na vanguarda do minimalisto erudito.
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i'll have you wishing for a quick death.
loki's playing tricks again.
no love. no hope.
WAKE UP! can you hear me?
the radio still sucks.
coming back - around the fur.
pimps and prostitutes - business men in monkey suits.
all is well if all fails.
chat & business.
the hives are law. you are crime.
the man who runs the masses.
come wash my back.
count on nobody and no one will let you down.
sing the sorrow.
state of emergency, how beautiful to be.
all this pain is an illusion
you think i'm a sucker? you're fuckin' sick.
i am the bullet - you are the bullseye.
blame canada!
sad. girls. for. life.
Po rangzen!
one by one hidden up my sleeve...
who would've thought? (the slutbag)

:: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 ::
quando eu vi as fotos dela com eles, eu não achei que era
pra levar tão a sério:

"Pink with the Transplants yesterday

yesterday at weenie roast Pink came out and sang 'weigh on my mind' with them. she sounded alot like brody. it was really stupid though because right in the middle of the song she started singing her own shit. then it cut back to weigh on my mind. rob kept calling her their home girl. the best part though was when rancid came out and sang a few tunes. one of the few highlights of the day." (distillers board)

:: postado por *Maya* as 9:21:00 PM [+] ::

:: Sunday, June 15, 2003 ::
Rancid - Salvation

there's a neighborhood called blackhawk
where all the rich people hide
i was down on my luck workin' for the salvation army
the shelter is where i reside

every day we drive in to blackhawk
and we pick up the offerings
microwave ovens, refrigerators
for the suffering

i can't believe these people live like kings
hidden estates and diamond rings
i'm a rat on a mission
i'm in your front yard
under suspicion

come on baby won't you show me what you got, yeah...
i want your salvation

:: postado por *Maya* as 3:28:00 AM [+] ::

ok, o mundo está parado.

eu também amo vocês.
e eu nem faço parte da tríade (porque eu já conhecia uma e a outra, separadamente)
mas a gente finge que sim (tudo é válido na hora de comemorar).

seis anos de destruição massiva e uma amizade à moda antiga
(leia-se, "de verdade").
as modas vieram e as modas foram, as bandas vieram e as bandas foram,
os posers vieram e os posers foram... e a gente aqui, assistindo tudo
de camarote e pra variar... toscas, till death!!
havaiana com calça jeans em relojoaria chique é o que há,
e pijama no Kalzone... bom... deixa pra lá vai...

parabéns pro tio Tony ("Zaaaaaaniiiiin" --> a melhor pessoa que eu já vi atendendo
o telefone, e claro, nunca sabendo do paradeiro da Mê)

e pra nóis.

vou pensar numa letra (sem ser PiñaColada, prometo) e depois ela aparece aqui.

feliz 14 do 6!

:: postado por *Maya* as 3:09:00 AM [+] ::
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