na vanguarda do minimalisto erudito.
:: welcome to ::monoicos:: :: blog.home | contato ::
:: Túlio ::
:: Daya ::
:: Digão ::
:: ::
:: Maya ::
:: .valinor. ::
:: .seethru. ::
:: .s.t.f.[tibet]. ::
:: .420.bands. ::
:: .drug-a-thon. ::
:: .BME.zine. ::
:: .no.direction. ::
:: ::
:: .taschen. ::
:: .x.tete.x. ::
:: .raveon. ::
:: .carcasse. ::
:: ::
:: .veglam. ::
:: .st3llar. ::
:: .a.cobaia. ::
:: ::
:: .charles. ::
:: .the.way.things.r. ::
:: .trio.loquenlow. ::
:: .delicias.cremosas. ::
:: .boris. ::
:: .reffer' ::
:: ::
i'll have you wishing for a quick death.
loki's playing tricks again.
no love. no hope.
WAKE UP! can you hear me?
the radio still sucks.
coming back - around the fur.
pimps and prostitutes - business men in monkey suits.
all is well if all fails.
chat & business.
the hives are law. you are crime.
the man who runs the masses.
come wash my back.
count on nobody and no one will let you down.
sing the sorrow.
state of emergency, how beautiful to be.
all this pain is an illusion
you think i'm a sucker? you're fuckin' sick.
i am the bullet - you are the bullseye.
blame canada!
sad. girls. for. life.
Po rangzen!
one by one hidden up my sleeve...
who would've thought? (the slutbag)

:: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 ::
sk8r grrrrrrrrrl
ela mesma.

:: postado por *Maya* as 10:15:00 AM [+] ::

eu já amei o site sem nem ver o filme...
fico imaginando depois.

:: postado por *Maya* as 10:07:00 AM [+] ::

| completamente, altamente, totalmente influenciável |


brody, ryan, e eu em alguns dias.

(e eu aviso de antemão - como se não fosse óbvio...)

:: postado por *Maya* as 10:00:00 AM [+] ::

| mantra da semana |

ar, ar, ar
vamos comentar!

ar, ar, ar
antes que saia de novo do ar!

:: postado por *Maya* as 2:38:00 AM [+] ::

:: Monday, June 30, 2003 ::
| quem quer um de cada levanta o braço... |
(nova edição limitada de old skools verão)

summer edition

summer edition

summer edition

:: postado por *Maya* as 10:00:00 PM [+] ::

Orange County

[+] (sai desse corpo!)

[+] (Von Trappo)

[+] ("and you are...?")

[+] (come my lady...)

[+] ("awesome dude!")

:: postado por *Maya* as 1:26:00 PM [+] ::

| pega uma banda que gosta e faz também. |

1. Are you male or female? The Legend Of Johnny And Sarah
2. Describe yourself: Hellborn
3. How do some people feel about you? Mean Girl
4. How do you feel about yourself? Teenage Suicide
5. Describe your boy/girlfriend: Harmonic
6. Where would you rather be? Babylon
7. Describe what you want to be: Actress, Model, Dancer, Whatever...
8. Describe how you live: Underground
9. Describe how you love: Blame It On Me
10. Share a few words of wisdom: Evolution

:: postado por *Maya* as 1:12:00 PM [+] ::
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